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Anonymous 11/01/2024 (Fri) 17:52:07 No. 9078
Who has all the wins from gals of gurk? They put stuff on Twitter and youtube. I was one day late to the party and got nothing.
As far as I know there wasn't really anything, they were banned before they showed stuff
bunkrrr DOT org /a/ y7G1HKCg
That's all the videos they uploaded, but again sadly they don't show much at all. Hopefully one day they come back and do something
need more info on the site
Not fucking really
>>9084 ty for preserving. so do any of these have win? pls give the short link. I saw a few twitter clips. but just normie teasing. they deleted the others before i saw.
missing the chocolate video. Reason YT banned them
>>9129 Get us that video
The WHAT VIDEO???? What did they do...
does anyone have the chocolate video?
>>9287 social media girls forums
Dead link?
>>9142 I've seen the chocolate video. Not missing anything...not sure why it resulted in a ban. a little cameltoe is all.
There is new paywall site with some extra content
MVtlhsGhbqE todays not bad for you fans, i prefer the girl in pink are they lovers or sisters or what?
Both of their moms live together in the same house so sisters kind of, I guess? Same age, different parents, same house. It's weird
So far no one has said what their extra content is. Does anyone know?
finally something lol
>>11078 man if you consider that something your standards are wayyyy too low
>>11082 upload of what these are from?
yeah they def sort each other out on the regular, no question about it
>>11082 Holy shit! We need to see that video!
c7DE23 Gf
>>11088 my man
>>11088 yup, you're our savior, thank you what was the first video of the month?
what are the chances these girls are really how old they say they are? at the very least it would mean the older one was held back
DPL5UM GF everything I know they have done so far from what I’ve heard
DPL5UM GF everything they done from what I’ve heard
>>11106 thank you again boss man
these gf arent working for me idk what im doing wrong
>>11106 Thanks to those sharing. Hero where could I find a half-assed explanation on what that means cuz I'm sure with a few clues I could figure it out
>>11118 gofile dot io slash d slash DPL5UM
why dudes going crazy over these 2 basic bimbos, they appear to be lesbians toying around with their simps. nothing but tease bullshit
>>11121 Because they’re desperate losers
>>11122 You're on a message board to see porn. Nothing sadder than the person who thinks they aren't a loser.
>>11106 God bless
>>11121 They're young dorks and I love it
Is SMG still down. Been getting 502 for days.
>>11134 It's only been about half a day for me. Hopefully it's fixed soon
What is smg?
>>11137 sub machine gun
It seems like the pics on this thread are from a different massage video than the link that was posted on GF
>>11091 How old do they say they are?
>>11139 Agreed, does anyone know why? Can some king share the seemingly better second massage video?
>>11142 18 and 19
Hopefully heroes will keep this thread updated as they post more member videos 🙏
>>11107 got the new one? i found an edited one searching around, found this bkr WhXlIGi2 but it's only 1min of the vid.
>>11258 whelp didn't take long at all for them to show puss
>>11107 What is bkr, so I can see this golden video?
>>11258 how to use?
bunkrrr dot org /a/ WhXlIGi2 didnt work.
Do .su instead of .org and it works! Haha, victory!!
>>11258 Does it always have that square pixel on her pussy?
>>11303 did not
Damn doesn't work for me no matter how I do it
>>11312 try one r and dot site instead?
That time it worked thanks
have you guys know youtube girls with similar content?
G0file qjpJob for the first massage vid
>>11397 you can tell the girl in white is getting extremely horny from it
>>11402 they are lezbos, but claim to be sisters so simps can think they have a chance and take their money. obvious cuts in the vid when any affection is shown
Hey does anyone have their stuff for this month, please and thank you
also original GF is down so reup?
(35.01 MB gurk.mp4)
>>11649 Damn! I’d love to cum in that gash!
