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Anonymous 06/28/2024 (Fri) 02:37:32 No. 27531 >>30194 >>30641 >>31662
Any 903?
Yes please
any mount pleasant?
K3lli3 th0rn3. In Sherman, from bronte
Any of the mazzant sisters? Crazy fat asses and they got around quite a bit
>>28192 Can we PLEASE get contact info for this sexy bitch?!
Ellen Abigail Villarreal is her real name :)
(345.72 KB 1125x1500 IMG_0018.jpeg)
>>28537 >>28508 >>28505 >>28503 >>28359 >>28343 >>28218 >>28193 >>28192 Let’s get more of Miss Abby Villarreal then so we can make her a webslut everywhere
>>28544 Will pai for fh.o.ne. nu.m Of abby v.
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>>28508 This whore is so slutty. So much of her tits and cunt to share
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>>28549 Look at Abby Villarreal double stuffing her holes like a good slut
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100 for sell fo.nne. bounty
She said she hasn't sold since 2021 when she responded facebook.... I'm trying to find a more direct route of communication with her. Headway is slow.
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>>28553 >>28508 This pig whore needs to be posted everywhere so google will ruin her. Blast her all over erome boys with full name and location
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>>28508 Abby Villarreal is an anal whore
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>>28508 >>28555 Abby Villarreal the buttslut from Sherman Texas
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>>28556 >>28555 >>28508 Abby Villarreal loves dick in her ass
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>>28554 I have my detective hat on. Trying to find all info.
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>>28572 Put her on erome that way anyone can find these with google
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>>28572 She’s begging for it
>>28573 Nah to erome. I'm thinking bigger.
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>>28575 How big are we talking here?
>>28580 She's asking to be exposed. I'm thinking that includes her fam
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>>28581 Well of course. Especially her dad uncles cousins and male family so they can lust over her. but erome so google will pick her up when people search for her. Erome could be done within 24 hours and have her everywhere online by then
>>28583 That's EXACTLY who I'm trying to show.
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>>28581 >>28581 >>28585 Imagine what her dad is going to think about his little girls gaping pussy. Hahahahaha it’s perfect to show him I still think erome is a good idea because how quickly google will catalog it and how easy it will be to google “Abby Villarreal porn” and find her nudes
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>>28585 Hopefully at least one of them jerks there cocks to her gaping pussy and beat up ass hole
>>28587 >>28588 Let's find them and make sure!
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>>28589 Imagine seeing your daughter/neice/cousin/sister like this and knowing her cunt is being spread all over the internet. One of them is bound to collect her pics and use them
>>28590 I wish I could be that lucky. Let's work together to make sure they get blessed :)
>>28591 What about her husband? Is he worth harassing too? Maybe slut shame her to him and make him cry
>>28594 Part of me thinks he'd in on this
>>28596 Idk of any man who would do this to his own wife. No body is that fucked up are they? I know I’d be pretty pissed if my wife was going through all this but that’s jus me
>>28594 >>28597 I think I found his info. Maybe I'll ask :)
>>28598 Hahahaha do it. Make him as uncomfortable as you can. THAT sounds fun hahaha
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>>28598 Share with the class
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>>28590 Imagine seeing your old crush flaunting her hairy pussy to the camera.
>>28597 >>28602 You know this girl irl?
>>28602 She said she has 4 kids and lives near plano.
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>>28604 She’s in Sherman Texas
>>28606 Do you know her ?
>>28609 We need her fh.o.ne. nh.um. Will pay a bhountee
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>>28607 >>28610 Don’t have sadly just know her
>>28609 >>28611 I've been posting my ex from plano in /ass. Second post down. Lmk if you want more. I'm still on the look for more of Ellen (abby)
>>28611 Can you confirm?
(855.36 KB 1440x2918 IMG_0562.jpeg)
What is the website for that video you have of her?
>>28620 Why you want to know ?
I mean if you dont wanna share its alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>28622 Found a fb post of her and her hubby/kids. I'm getting close
>>28625 Is this a good enough view for yall?
>>28626 Is that you abby?
She's worried XD
Aha!!!! Finally found the jackpot of in.fo. :)
Love this thread.
What did you find?
Any TAMUC wins?
Any have alys@ lloyd
>>28770 Julia S & Minna S & Brandi S & Chelsea C
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Any Vanessa bell?
Ali$ha r in the k*gore area someone said they had them.
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Chelsea B Bullard
Bump for more Bullard plz pref class 2010-2014
bump! wut is chelesea last name? she looks familiar
>>29708 Byrom
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Anyone have any lovinkat vids??
>>29881 What's her n@me the the real one I got you as soon as she releases her vip page
>>29903 No one cares about this ugly hoe
>>29904 I guess I missed it who was it?
>>29902 she's not releasing a vip page. Her free page has said that for years. You can buy stuff off of her free page. Pics and vids.
Any1 know gr@ci3 H@mm?
Any wins for ETA&M?
>>27531 Need those Rachel m from wo and Kelley ch3@tum from lv
Darby S from Longview would be nice
>>30222 Seconded, we need this
Chenoa Rutherford Rice
>>30308 God I actually know her. Looks like her OF is deactivated now, do you have any more?
last video is to large (65mb)
>>30317 Hot af She's all high and mighty now she's a mom but the guys know what she was like.
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I have Kat video but am looking for some lily if anyone has some Originally from 903
>>30361 I don't have any Lily but I'd love to see the Kat vid! I have quite a bit more 903 I can share though.
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Post some Corsicana hoes peříş h!ll
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Anyone got br@ndy r
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Love me some Mak. Also looking for any @lyssa
Share them Kat vids and I'll continue sharing what I've got. I've already shared quite a bit and have a lot more.
Who's got Gabby (P)utm@n from Longview? Need to see those tits
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Cassie Bishop LGV. HAS to have an OF but can’t find it!
Anyone have Rams?
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>>28554 Is there a vid of this?
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Anyone got tegan from grand saline
Bump for teagan
>>27531 >>30570 U lucked out she has an OF txtwoforone
>>30402 If you can figure it out.gg /3wrr5Jtt
>>30652 It doesn't work.
>>30652 Invalid L i n k.
(1.20 MB 2144x3432 KP.jpg)
>>30708 nice, any moar?
(8.55 KB 256x256 profileIcon_0pdjydc0la8c1.jpg)
Anyone? She has a sneakylink. Blair Black 1366
>>30414 More???
I've got a ton more. I'm still waiting to see these Kat vids. The link is invalid.
>>30728 Whoever has this video please post, because I need more grace ffs
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>>30758 More perky? I got you!
>>30763 I need all you got, she’s hot af
Find the Do Not Date page and ask on there. Keeps getting deleted on here
>>30829 Idek what that is
>>30841 Name??
Bump for Rachal M in WO!
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Anyone have Mikayla's fine ass?!
>>31241 those huge tits wow
I wanna see a couple of those Books-A-Million girls
>>29807 Holy shit is that Sunni Miles (Cates)?
From m@b@nk. Have more if anyone else has others from the area
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>>31384 Last name I feel like I've seen her fans
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Another @nnie
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Rey@gan from Mabank before the fake tits. Any of the new set??
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Any Harmony ISD girls from classes 2009-2015? I know there’s gotta be some out there.
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More olivi@, anyone have k@leigh W@ll@ce or T@elor D@unt?
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K@leigh, dfw area nude model from Mabank. Had an only fans for awhile but was real secretive about it. Definitely wins out there
>>31462 Her and her best friend Lindsay/Lexii are a great duo in bed
Anyone have cl@riss@ 0gden?
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Gr€tch€n LGV
Got any Kat vids??
Got any Kat vids???
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Any thing extra on super Milf Kristy?
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>>31462 I’ve got all the tea on Reygan. Strips in Longview and sells pussy on hooker sites in Dallas.
From mount pleasant has to have wins out their
Anybody have any L1berty City/S@bine girls? Preferrably class of 2014 and older, but any is okay
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S@manth@ from Tatum Fat slut
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Sara Ne@l Chubby slut
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Any T@ylor Stuart? Here’s more olivia
>>27531 >>31632 >>31636 Only Meagan b. But from liberty of name. Meagan Thee Pony (one word)
Any Bullard or Tyler class of 2010-2014? Would be sick
>>31641 any more
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