/t/ - Teen(18+)

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Anonymous 08/20/2023 (Sun) 00:08:06 No. 192439
Girl from Australia selling vids
Girl with a dick. its being sold for 100
bump for this
She’s trans?
>>192439 Crimson Chin definitely was a he
What's her name?
Name?? Bump!
Look at the photos retard
>>192543 >>192723 2nd pic has IG
hot af
>>192524 I doubt that, trans usually look like men still as much as they don't want to, they still do. This one doesn't but, hey, I can be wrong.
>>192911 remove "could" and add "definitely" lol I personally know some Trans Girls that would pass before many natural born women. This girl has trans comments all over her old Tiktoks without any rebuttals. Her body shape honestly has a boyish look so it didnt surpise me in the slightest. but people focus too much on the face to understand that a boy can look EXACTLY like a girl with the right angles and makeup.
Well in the vids Dani has a pecker
/t/ doesn't stand for tranny, you fucking faggots
bump she's hot
Is someone going to share this video? Please good sirs!
>>192955 I wrote usually, which implies there are some that don't. I didn't write "could" anywhere you illiterate fuck.
Its a fucking tranny you retards, look up his page on fb, danielmirkinofficial. His name is daniel because he accidentally left the info in his youtube about me section
post the video I want to see this pretty faggot taking cock
she's hot enough for me to not care
>>194415 Would still smash 100%
I would love to see those lips suck dick tho WATS THE PATREON OMG
Bumping this. She deleted all her insta posts
I been trying to find an archive of her old reddit acc but I cant find anything its danisan1307 all the pics from her acc r deleted
I wonder if she has pretty pp hehe xD
I'm gonna blow my brains out if I don't see this pretty queer suck some cock
Tucking back her trunk
I wanna see what she's tucking
I hope you all get the monkey pox
Any leads on where to find the video?
Need thisss
So is it a Tr@ PP or real woman /human ?
>>196280 It's a dude. This shit needs to be in /tr/ and not /t/. Fags.
Big bump
Want this slut, but she's off social media now. Probably found out her shit was everywhere
heard she went to rehab
>>192442 >>192963 >>194588 >>195712 >>196281 If I were this insecure about finding a “boy” hot I would simply kill my self :)
>>197797 I don't recall anyone of us saying this abomination was hot you retard.
>>197800 Right you just took a little chunk out of your precious time on the porn board for perverts to point out that unlike all of these other perverts, you actually DON’T find this girl attractive. Incredibly normal behavior pal
reupping some of her vids catafiles . com/Sqqlhk
theres a video of him giving head from a couple years back
>>198251 where's the video?
She tried a patreon again but it got shut straight down
sn@p is dani m i r k i n13
Pls bump
Still looking
She looks good. moar
bump. someone has to have the patreon video
Welp. Guess I'm gay...
She had her little tits out on a live once but I think it was more cuz she was drugged out than anything slutty
i can’t let this die
She's selling vids but you faggots too broke to buy any. Lmfao
>>208498 Where
bro is lying
Big bump
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hes a fucking trans. Found his old youtube and you can see that he has linked his wordpress website from years ago where he has photos of before his transition. He is experienced with makeup from a young age which is why he is fooling all you retards.
Name is Daniel Mirkin
>>210677 you're trans
>>210677 No fucking shit retard.
>>210677 Just say "no" to traps.
>>210929 this is for the retards not people who have half a brain to be able to tell.
bump where is the video
Will some kind soul please share this Vid? As a Christmas gift to all us simpletons on here?
>>213509 Seconded. Chrissie pressy pls
Big bump
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posted on t g chanel
Ugly asf
>>215627 Nasty
She’s so hot
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>>215666 Beautiful cheeks. Share more
she posted it on her free chanel and deleted it fast, has not said anything since
This is a fucking dude larping as a girl. You are some sick fucks.
