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(39.64 KB 680x400 Kelsey-Johnson.jpeg)
Anonymous 08/08/2023 (Tue) 17:55:40 No. 188839
Somebody got Kelsey?
Bump. What’s her last name?
>>188875 Look in the File Name
Bump for this.Her name is Kelsey Johnson
>>189423 Where's the file?
Is it on that com3dady site? Someone link it
Bump. Anyone have this?
We need this shit bad. I went to hs with her.
Anyone got this?
(78.36 KB 720x829 k11.jpg)
05a94f74141801 9e3dc56d2e4 8243195b2 fa9ecbd42f b88244129d3 ed0268bf339 only 4dd if u have sth good to t_r4_d3
>>201331 go away scammer
>>201347 Thanks
>>201331 foh scammer >>201347 ty anon
>>198406 What street is she on in these vids? 18th or 19th?
Whats the host? Someone reupload it
Anyone got this?
Can someone reupload pls?
>>201567 >>201347 What is the host?>>201347
link didn't work, but it's... G o f i l e . i o
>>202451 it works
anyone got her set without watermark?
drop her full set without watermark pls
it's still up on CJ retards
wtf is CJ?
Any toy vids?? I didn’t see any in the previews.
d / kaVpxt
>>208395 not public
>>208396 It's public now
>>208395 the vid and pic folders in it are not public
Still says not public
>>208398 Ok now it should be public
>>208401 Thanks goat! Got the new Renee maybe?
>>208398 >>208404 Nah I don't
>>208405 anything more you can post?
>>208405 Do you know, if there is a Cat Pisciotta set out there?
>>208405 Got Daisy obliv? Was posted on CJ last week or so
>>208407 Yeah Imma post something real soon
>>208411 Nah I don't
Here is Kelsey's full set one more time in case anyone happened to have missed it: d / kaVpxt
>>208421 I already posted it. It seems to have been removed. Here it is again: d / i2004Y
>>208427 thanks so much!!
>>208427 bro you're the real goat<3, thx! Maybe de you have Anastasia Green and Natalie Mauro(st4rky)?? those are some of the other sets that the scammer guy is trying to hoard
>>208435 Nah I don't have them. I know there's this other guy on t3l3gram that has Anastasia Green. Unfortunately he's also selling her, but unlike the other guy, at least he's actually legit and not a scammer
>>208443 Got it, in any case thanks for all previous sets!, Did you buy from him then (the another guy)? it's funny bc several colleagues tried to make trade with him (the scammer) and he always put obstacles and objections
>>208444 >>208449 ironically, a lot of the scammer's so called "exclusive content" is really stuff he took from the other guy's group and tries to re-sell. If you look, you can often see that he even uses the exact same censored pics that the other guy has and then tries to pass it off as if it's his. He most likely doesn't even have some of these girls he claims he does
>>208435 oh yeah bump for Mauro!
Milly pedrick anyone pls?
>>208435 While this isn't Anastasia or Natalie, this is another girl that guy was trying to sell: d / mG1vJu
>>208470 go and get the file at j7dzgv remember this is four anon only
>>208888 >i2004Y file deleted?
>>208927 Would u mind re upping this they got it taken down
>>208953 knhDPb
Someone drop some t3l3gr@m groups
>>208953 Pass?
Is there a chance someone has melly pedrick cj pleaseee
