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Anonymous 09/15/2024 (Sun) 15:51:02 No. 18565
Charleston wins drop em here
any @shelyn h@ll?
Any CofC wins? All the girls here are huge sluts.
If they are all sluts then go get some pussy faggot and stop being a bum on this weird shit
Expose J@ime H1ll
bump Summerville/Ashley ridge wins
>>18581 I think I got some TG UEKGQP9Y2
Summerville is not Charleston, it’s like 30-40 minutes away. Bump for CofC girls
>>18660 I think I got one TG UEKGQP9Y2
br00k3 b0yc3 wins pls
Got some of the local coke girls if someone drops j@ime H. I’ll. ———— here’s a taste
Who’s this? ^
>>19818 lol I actually have this already What else ya got I’ll drop some
>>19839 Got that one too Several of her wearing the key necklace, fishnets and thong, and the bathroom with the clubtails can
Any h0lly B?
>>19854 MSG me on the reading it app and I’ll send it u/4jaime
>>19860 no idea what that is
>>19861 Reddit lol
u/ is the username
>>19863 post them here, the whole point of this board
>>19865 U can post what I send ya idc
>>19874 Someone’s sent me a message. I sent him one.
>>19874 4Jaime Type it into the web browser
>>19876 I honestly don't understand why you can't put it here.
>>19877 If you want wins you can get them there
>>18711 Can you resend code
Request for @v3ry c $tevie l K@yl33 g

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