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EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD AREA WINS? Anonymous 12/22/2022 (Thu) 20:27:41 No. 4952 >>9484 >>11571
I got a good handful I can share if anyone else has any?
Share and others will too
If anyone has anyone one of these 3 lmk I have a bit to - :)
What schools/years? I’ve got a lot stockpiled
Sheldon ‘16?
Anyone have Deidra brooks?
>>4956 What 3
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Do you have Jaime Mikalis, Keanna khallafalla or Jolynn wilson? Here is Saydie Reed, and Kirsten oxenford
Post some wins of you got them and I'll post some more.
Any of Courtn3y g!ese used to cam as jonibaby
Anyone have Hailey? From Eugene/Cottage Grove
Or does anyone have Hope?
(111.10 KB 1080x1340 received_1911127402603195.jpeg)
Does anyone have any of Jaime Mikalis back in 2014 or so?
>>6528 You got her Instagram or any socials
(346.91 KB 738x546 2022-08-30 21.09.44.jpeg)
Eugene slut initials mb
>>8052 Yeah haNot allowedilly
>>8081 Hai underscore lilly
>>8056 I've got some of her somewhere
>>8083 Can you share ??
Any M@delyn mc@lpin
Does anyone have Michelll@cy ? Or bootiebandit/lilangelbaby333 on onlyfans
(160.88 KB 586x429 IMG_3545.jpeg)
>>8121 Keep going I worked with her I knew she was a part time slut
Anyone have emm@? She used to sell
>>8150 She used to have an OF with some fire vids
What was Emm@s usern@mae?
>>8187 Don’t know about OF. She sold on twitter
Damn hopefully someone posts it. I've always wanted to see but was too late to buy.
Bum for emm@
Anyone got Summ3r M4z3t from Eugene? Went to Sh3ld0n
Bump for emm@!
>>8249 Is that m.b. again?
>>8291 Yes
Hail3y k3mmer? Blonde with huge tits
Use to call her handjob H@iley in hs
>>8353 Hey do you have haileys insta
Anyone have gl0burst or p!per_jade888 on onlyfans?
>>8349 Got any more? Or her vids?
>>8382 Yeah I have all her posts from of and a few customs she made for me
>>8412 Please share!
>>8412 Please share!!
>>8382 Let’s see those juicy ass titties I’ve been waiting a long time for these wins Does anyone have k!ngggkylie on OF he ig is Sammmoon3yy
Anyone have Brit
Bump for H@iley! Also emm@ posted on ig that she's selling agian.
>>8424 Send me her Instagram I’ll buy and share
It's emj0int
>>8425 Can you get mainly videos?
>>8425 Need her blowjob and six videos
>>8425 if she has sex videos or blowjob videos and you drop, I’ll drop p!per_jade888 stuff
Any update on emm@?
>>8449 Heard she’s doing a bundle of tons of videos for 80
Anyone have k3nz@ m? Has an of
>>8421 Why not pay the 11 dollars for her of then?
Any wins of Becca Mann
>>8457 I did, you said you had actual videos customs of her
Anyone have keirrak3lley
Anyone have jayh!s h0lman? Used to strip and sell content
Anyone got T@keel@ Dav!s?
Bump for Mel b mmmamas4u
Bump for emm@
Anyone have sh@wna? Used to have a ton of collab content tons of sex videos out there
Alguna victoria de florence
Looking for Sh@1n@ S from Eugene/Springfield
These were on sh@wn@s Ig
>>8598 Do you have any of sh@wn@‘s toy or sex videos from her onlyfans?
>>8595 Who?
who has r@aki g. ?
Anyone know alexis j? Short hair, hispanic
Bump for h@iley k3mmer
Eliz@beth Ne₩ell? Has an OF but it's not worth it really.
What’s her name on it?>>8665
>>8674 Jizzjane2020
she must have deleted it or something I can’t find it>>8676
Anyone have any Liz @nderson?
>>8665 Post what you got from it
>>8679 He forgot a y. It’s jizzyj@ne2020
Post them let’s see her>>8665
Unfortunately I didn't save anything so I don't have any of her.
What kind of stuff does she post?>>8703
(642.69 KB 1536x2048 IMG_3730.jpeg)
Anyone else got anything?
Who is this >>8721
>>8727 No clue met on tinder from Eugene
Any P@ris or J0J0 curl
Here's some Eliz@beth Ne₩ell
>>8754 What I would do to those toes ! So pretty
Whoa do you have more of that little white whore what school did she go to?>>8754
(615.72 KB 486x849 IMG768767.png)
(648.49 KB 635x846 IMG7678.png)
Liz is so fine. Post all you've got of her you're a hero!
You post something>>8788
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(1.23 MB 1290x2111 IMG_6121.jpeg)
Jeorgia Mast from corvallis she sells
I want him in fucking jail.
>>8828 Who?
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(414.35 KB 1440x1440 IMG_2013.jpeg)
Any t i n $ ! 3 y ??
(2.24 MB 1290x1902 IMG_6136.jpeg)
(6.96 MB 1290x2796 IMG_6137.png)
Abby Brottman and Jeorgia mast they both sell
>>8954 Where does Abby sell? She never responds to my IG.
(76.34 KB 723x708 IMG_3977.jpeg)
>>8828 >>8398 Here’s another cap of MB mmmamas4u / taytay_bayb
>>9077 She FINE
>>9079 Whats her I g
>>9083 Great ass
Any Maddison F?
(252.51 KB 544x747 IMG_6149.jpeg)
Abby brottman
Any nehs wins? Specifically class of 2017-2023
(44.84 KB 740x977 EkqDqVfU8AAvZlv.jpg)
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(635.40 KB 493x846 IMG89898.png)
Yes! Bump for more
Anyone have any Britt@ny Mcc0y?
(52.82 KB 1080x1080 FB_IMG_1689324819782.jpg)
Gotta be some out there
(225.63 KB 1290x1119 IMG_6158.jpeg)
(1.05 MB 1266x1212 IMG_6159.jpeg)
They both sell huge thots… Abby brotman and jeorgia mast
>>9242 Can you drop any socials
Inst@ is M@delynmc@lpin and her f@ceb00k is M@delyn C@rter>>9247
>>9245 Any wins of Abby?
Yo, who's is the girl on the right with the lower back tattoo?
Yo, who is the girl on the right with the lower back tattoo?
Bump for M@delyn. Need to see thies cannons
Apparently M@delyn has a different inst@gr@m account but idk what it is. Anyone friends with her on F@ceb00k that can tell me?
(169.75 KB 1154x2048 IMG_2765.jpeg)
Anyone have Teresa
Bump for Teresa
(798.15 KB 1290x1500 IMG_6175.jpeg)
She sells on Tt jeorgia mast
>>9343 What is tt can you drop the link
Anyone have any R@quel M0ss?
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(669.07 KB 1284x1272 IMG_3346.jpeg)
>>4952 Anyone have any of Sarah
>>6286 I have a bunch of her
>>5522 I’d pay to see more of her
Anyone have Brianna Millar?
(1.68 MB 1290x1606 IMG_6215.jpeg)
(1.86 MB 1290x2182 IMG_6214.jpeg)
Such a slut. Has a of jeorgia m
>>9677 What is her OF?
(1.35 MB 1280x658 IMG_324987298.png)
>>9703 Is her onlyfans worth it?
Any morg@n M@yh@m
(409.36 KB 449x578 Screenshot (135).png)
(433.12 KB 527x586 Screenshot (136).png)
any wins?
>>9748 Socials ? Instagram ?
(281.80 KB 1160x1817 IMG_0054.jpeg)
>>9748 >>9022 More m.b mmmamas4u That’s her midsquirt
>>9756 Finally! I knew there was more of her!
(284.24 KB 720x1600 VideoCapture_20230807-053809.jpg)
Bump for some M@ry
Does anyone have Th3.s3dona onlyfans or Al!!555 onlyfans
Bump for Maddison F
sh@na swarts? huge slut
Anyone have Mi@ ₩00d or S0rin@ c@nn0n ?
Kenzie l@1r??
Irel@nd McD@niel? She's got a fat ass!
(112.98 KB 768x1024 F1w1BEFaQAAYnN2.jpg)
(1.19 MB 1179x1999 IMG_3623.jpg)
>>10190 Wow who is this beauty
Does anyone have H@iley Mcd@niels?
Alright I know there's gonna be some out there! T@keel@
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Anyone got wins of K@ns@s W?
Mexican slut sells Guadalupe Gonzales
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(2.08 MB 1290x2122 IMG_6406.jpeg)
(1.80 MB 1290x1445 IMG_6408.jpeg)
Laura Ochoa used to fuck her. Loves black cock
(106.45 KB 750x1378 FXAnXLkA.jpeg)
(76.63 KB 1378x750 QtbwRIlG.jpeg)
(96.05 KB 750x1378 6B7TePJ1.jpeg)
(98.71 KB 750x1378 DqJr8MAe.jpeg)
(88.05 KB 750x1136 mH4GMUYl.jpeg)
(86.91 KB 750x1171 DFR2BG23.jpeg)
@lyss@ 0g@n
(28.53 KB 320x595 IMG_1064.jpeg)
(21.36 KB 403x403 IMG_1063.jpeg)
Does anyone have Jordan miller
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(32.43 KB 304x540 IMG_1059.jpeg)
Alexis Garcia
>>10617 Any more? How did you get these? She’s super hot damn. Thanks for sharing
(263.57 KB 1536x2048 Eri7mxQU0AArqZ7.jpg_large.jpg)
ChloeCorrin, actual initials JM or KM, used to sell on OF, really miss her content, hoping someone has more or saved her videos...
Any of brandi h? Cheated on her bf with a black dude
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Trudi Castillo
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(1.96 MB 750x1334 IMG_1150.png)
Katie hammond
(689.85 KB 3456x4608 1iwyvte7i9761.jpg)
Amazing tits in this area. Here is more of Chl0e, anyone got others? Might also be going by Juniper or Katie.
Bump Trudi and Katie, Katie was the biggest whore back in highschool. Trudi has schizophrenia and is a badddie
As big as a whore she is I didn’t expect her pussy to be that nice >>10824
>>10833 Right also had a kid
Anyone have any meg@n Dunn
>>10822 Bump for more trudi
(207.03 KB 1169x1456 IMG_0809.jpeg)
Who has S@mi wils0n or her OF videos? Tons of bbc and dildo videos
Someone has to have wins of Kansas Puck3tt/ W3lch, pretty well known slut, nice ass and tits.
(972.18 KB 3456x4608 n7reojqkwg761.jpg)
Desperate for more of Kati3/Junip3r Mu3ll3r, did OF as ChloeCorrin. She had some great head and back shot videos.
Anyone remember crystąl Morrịs ? Anyone got anything from her? She used to have a banging little tight body
Someone's gotta have something!
>>10926 Any pics?
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>>10961 Bump for Crystal wins
(22.17 KB 400x400 unixhaH1_400x400.jpg)
Still asking for wins on Junip3r Mu3ll3r. OF'd as ChloeCorrin
(2.18 MB 750x1334 IMG_1205.png)
(2.61 MB 750x1334 IMG_1204.png)
Why is my post getting deleted
I need S0S0s wins really bad >>10991
>>10996 Got anyone else associated with her or Springfield area?
>>10996 She was bad af in highschool
She was so fine I still wouldn’t mind having some fun with here>>10999
Some of her friends weren’t too bad either >>10999
>>11006 Someone needs to post the Springfield thotties
I know hopefully someone out there has some and sees this>>11008
>>11009 You got anything worthwhile
I don’t I’ve posted what I had in here but unfortunately I lost everything >>11010
>>9750 _courtneywithfreckles on Insta bump
(302.76 KB 1536x2048 EtHfz32UUAINZi6.jpeg)
Found a new one of Chl0eC0rrin, or Jun1per Mueller. She had a great set, wish we had more of her. Some of her head videos were fire.
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Who got h@iley f@ulds
I’ve got a bunch of new personals from mb
(516.08 KB 2148x2932 162.jpg)
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Why are my posts getting taken down
Who got Jordan miller nudes
>>10644 Bump jordan
>>11189 She’s hot, she have an OF?
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(4.80 MB 750x1334 IMG_1332.png)
>>11227 Who got her nudes
Any thurston high sluts?
(791.33 KB 1145x1130 IMG_0812.jpeg)
Mmmamas4u / taytay_bayb M b retired slut anyone got more pls post
Used to work with her. Sexy as hell.
Anyone got any of s13rra d. Rhymes with king. Eugene. Was a Cheerleader at kalapuya
Someone has to have some wins from Jessica primros3
>>11336 She is so hot her ass is phat We need her @utumn Uzelac and @dry potts
We also need J0JO and J@zmyn >>11338
>>11340 Right
I know someone has to have anything from kissi@h she has always been a huge slut
Anyone got wins from Springfield/Thurston 2006-2010?
Any Kathleen
(132.53 KB 748x944 IMG_1362.jpeg)
>>11399 Bump
Planet fitness sluts ??
>>4952 >>10617 Any P@ig3 S@und3rs?
(435.69 KB 1290x1705 IMG_6530.jpeg)
(282.84 KB 1290x1225 IMG_6529.jpeg)
Slut from Eugene sells and strips name Kayla h
Any c@itlin bray? Use to strip at man cave and sell
Any videos for c@itlin?
Found her OF for you or if anyone else wants to post some wins @shmoneyss
Somebodies gotta help me out here I paid for the sub, spent a ton of money but I really wanna see this milfs face, how’s by mamakay929 on OF
(3.21 MB 1170x2532 IMG_3688.png)
Sophia R
Buy it and post it>>11728
(1.43 MB 2233x3970 IMG_3753.jpeg)
Anyone have any thing from @zale b!xler? Use to bartend at white horse. Hot little milf!
>>10961 Any info or leads from crystal??
Anyone have pics of Th3ress@ Dill3y Anders0n? Her husband, M1tch Anders0n posted them
Anyone got maddi Pit
(35.18 KB 480x640 FB_IMG_1702882750003.jpg)
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>>11826 More of her, if anyone has any ideas how/where to find her nudes, or needs more info lmk
H@nnah mcl@in? She will sell to anyone. So will @shley s@ge someone come in clutch please!
Bumping to request anything class of 2012 in the area.
Anyone got Jordan escalante
Bump for more c@itlin br@y!
I know someone has to have y@iyah @hsam huge tits please help me
Bump T!n$ly
>>9549 Bump
(214.45 KB 750x1334 IMG_1264.jpeg)
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M@d c.
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Bump for Mia
(136.23 KB 603x824 IMG_6732.jpeg)
Big ass blonde brandy, saw a video of her riding a bbc anyone got?
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(6.13 MB 1170x2532 IMG_0961.png)
Bump for more of that last girl
Bump still looking for @shley $@ge
anybody have N@t@sh@ B3lk from THS 2007? she used to strip in springfield and eugene
>>13162 bump
Anyone have deidra lynn brooks
(71.97 KB 968x291 IMG_6750.jpeg)
Blonde thot, loves to ride bbc anybody have the video? Brąndy ħøğäň
(1.77 MB 1165x1745 Screenshot_20240421-161529~2.png)
(1.11 MB 1433x1931 Screenshot_20240421-161546~3.png)
Any wins? Great fuck
Anybody have @shlee ₩00d?
Anybody have @$Hl3y H01m@n? Barber downtown
Anyone got wins on m@ddy?
(266.92 KB 1440x1800 FB_IMG_1714230259247.jpg)
>>13398 Anyone got wins on her?
>>13162 bump for her
>>13599 more!!!!!!
Anyone got wins of K4ns4s W3lch/ K4ns4s Puck3tt? Huge slut, someone's got to have wins, bonus for spread pics or vids.
(253.81 KB 1244x2208 Snapchat-1726393288.jpg)
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Anyone have wins HH here? She sends them to anyone she knows pretty much. Will share this pot of gold when anyone posts their own wins on this one.
Initials N.C.
>>13625 Damn she is cute. Got Kik?
>>13746 get that ai shit outta here
Bump for jeorgia mast she sells
>>13983 Yeah but the bitch never replies or responds to messages
School teacher sells and fucks for money desire Ramirez loves fat cock
(162.17 KB 655x782 IMG_6973.jpeg)
(1.56 MB 1046x981 IMG_6974.jpeg)
Dessh21 teacher sells of
snąp didiramva21 sells on there just ask
Any Corbug Oregon blondes?
>>14086 Name? That bistro downtown has a hot blonde with tattoos, tiny chick who looks like she could take a big cock
(1.77 MB 1290x2796 IMG_2381.png)
Any wins? Heard she’s gets around a lot and had of
Post your wins on Sheldon HS girls
Any @shl3y H@ain$? Went to Springfield.
Any Aubrey f
Any K4ns4s W3lch/ Puck3tt wins?
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Anyone have wins of Rylee A. Or she works at a strip club and goes by hazel?
>>14568 Bump
Anyone got coburg country girls?
>>14632 There’s a sexy petite girl at the bistro spot. Blonde covered in tattoos. What I’d give to cover her face in hot cum
She’s selling again. Ask for her Venmo jeorgia mast
>>14568 Which club? I read on here she gives extras during private dances.
>>14649 Who?
(52.19 KB 405x540 IMG_7548.jpeg)
>>14568 Bump for Rylee
Bump for the coburg thots
Bump Rylee
Who’s got the leaks of the blonde life guard?
Bump, there’s got to be a lot more. Anyone have T@yl3r fült0n
(688.75 KB 835x1880 IMG_7059.jpeg)
(1.10 MB 1290x1680 IMG_7060.jpeg)
Blonde slut from coburg
>>15020 Not the blonde tattooed one from the coffee shop? I’m hoping some one has her
Anyone have Juli€ R€dF€rn. Big tit blonde, heard she got around alot.
(123.74 KB 828x814 IMG_1297.jpeg)
Anyone K@yla
(44.00 KB 1284x180 IMG_0350.jpeg)
More in here
Any Emï1y C0ffman? She had some bangin tits
Big bump for her! I use to have some absolutely amazing tits and phenomenonal fuck too
Any L@cey C@thc@art? Use to have an OF but deleted it
Bump it up
>>14669 Bump for Rylee
Bump for more C@itlin Br@y.. it got deleted for some reason
>>13162 BUMP
(240.05 KB 720x825 3636747.jpg)
any m0llie r? had of, mollielikethedrug
>>15733 any vidss?
>>15733 Hey dipshit this is like mircosize lol
anyone got jeorgi@ m@st wins or her OF?
Any coburg slut?
any p@ij r
I got some blonde milf from coburg
Bump for more C@itl!n Br@y she was posted but got deleted for some reason
Looks for N0c0na L. Wins. Milf fro eugene
>>10961 Fuck yeah what's up with this one?
anyone got becc@ b@rre@u?
>>16594 Bump this
>>16594 No but I have her sister
post the wins
t@yl0r burnn3tt has the biggest boobs
>>16617 Let’s see the wins, even if you have to blur or crop
>>16630 Her ex bf sent some creepshots of her but I only saved obstructed ones
Br00ke B1ttle? Had an of a while back
who's got jeorgi@ m@sts of?
(84.93 KB 750x719 IMG_6727.jpeg)
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If the guy who posted Mag’s tits a few wipes ago sees this, PLS bless us again
@ubrey fl0res?
Who’s got R@in Fer1y. Went to North. Vids would be ideal.
Br!tn3y f@ulds wins?
R0xy @mp@r0? Class of 2017
>>8458 Bump for Becca
any Cat? She is posted in Redheads/Gingers too
Anyone actually have Becca or Maggie B@rreau?
>>17046 I know for a fact there is Becca wins out there
(1.44 MB 1080x2034 Screenshot_20250206-174641~2.png)
Does anyone have any of Sammi J?
Penelope_ kay92 on the blue site
Bring back C@itlin bR@y
(180.22 KB 1079x1303 Snapchat-1353144738.jpg)
(193.21 KB 1037x1301 Snapchat-1273086508.jpg)
Can someone ask this girl for her OF. She used to have one. Gardenofpeden
>>17510 Why don’t you? Jfc.
Who’s got jeorgia m@st’s OF?
>>17517 I don't think she has one. I've looked in every way I know how and nothing has come up. I'd love if someone knows otherwise.
>>17032 Bump she used to be suck a little whore. Xanax and a beer your getting your dick sucked.
Messege Jeorgia M@ast on insta she is public again and will sell pics for $100 each…. Bf doesn’t know she likes the money
Any have Gabriel@ Steele? Fucked her after game day and heard she gets around a lot
Any have blue bistro blonde ? Heard she she does things for tips

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