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Eudora/lawrence Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 22:04:18 No. 4435
Let’s get a Eudora/Lawrence area thread started up!
Anymore of MW? Nude? OF?
Any more morgan
Any of taylor zakaras
M@ggi3 @d@m$?
nice....any of her nude?
Unfortunately no
>>4969 Damn. They gotta be out there somewhere. Been wanting them for a while. Any more in those sets?
Any wins for a13xis 8uck?
>>4976 Fucking PLEASE!!
Any wins of kyndr@ w? m a j estic_ruins on of
That’s all I got
>>4976 Bump. There have got to be wins.
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@shley R0thwell
Anymore of MW? Any good stories?
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Any OF? More of M@ri@?
Any k@ti3 b3rgm4n
Bump! We need more!!
Does anyone have pics of Ashley Miller
Bump any 2014-2016
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Anyone got more wins of a1m33 m0s3s
I would love to see more of that >>5988
Bump I have some I can post for more momentum
>>6210 got any MW?
>>6210 Post them
Any Lyr!C T.?
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K@t l fever
K@mi W!sd0m wins?
will post T@r@ $hrum for more 14-15 wins
>>6713 Yes please share
This may be a silly request any hailey or Maddison davis
Anyone have @dr1@n@ 1r0n-wh1t3m@n?
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>>6713 B1ll13 j3@n for t@r@
Any more morgan monroe
Bump any 14-15
Anybody got some wins of Luna? Used to strip in Lawrence area, and had an OF, so I know there are some floating around
Need someone to dig deeper on MW! Got to be some good stories out there
any wins on Megan k
Bump $ydn3y p1ck4rdt or any 15-16 Eudora
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Any Ci@r@ S? Goes to university of Kansas
Bump for more t@rynn st@cy.
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Anybody got Krist@ Hob@ugh? Big titty chick works at maximus/gdit.
Any wins? Went to ku
>>6713 Wheres the t@r@ wina
Good luck, I am still searching high and low for M@ri@.
Long shot any one got br@nd0n d@vis or his brother
M@ddi d@vis
Who has Shauna knapp?
>>6552 Any more tarynn? She's hot
M@di$on Rud3r
anyone have the girl on the left? stripper at The Flamingo Club. Think her name is M0nt@na B3ll
>>9715 What is her stripper name?
>>9730 Dallas
Anyone got more is@bell@
El@yn3 C@r3y?
Someone post @shley Ikenberry went to baldwin..
>>6662 Any L@uryn Spl!ch@l?
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K33ley W@rnick, K@yl@ St3ff3y, or N!c0le Z3rr3r?
>>10052 bump for actual wins of kami. Gotta be out there
>>10231 I think it’d be more likely someone has her twin Chey. Those would be nice too
>>9715 >>9748 bump. would love to see her tits and pussy
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Someone gotta have this ho
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anyone got br1tt@ny wh1te?
>>10554 bump
>>11565 Damn bet she feels nice as hell inside, got any face on her?
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She lived in LFK, anybody know of T0ri or have them winz. Worked with her for a short bit would always dream abiit them fat ass tits
>>11578 bump for those
Any K@mi Gib$on wins? Went to KU
Ant Taylor lister
>>9635 Bump
>>11584 amazing tinder hoe
>>8355 anyone got any of her?
>>11578 Yoo got s c ?
>>12042 Sybrevv
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Who has Indîgo B wins?
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No wins but this
Tr1n1ty $011@r$??
Any of ho11y V3s3cky
Hella bump for Holly
>>12231 Don't think anyone has holly but would be awesome
Someone has to have her she’s been around
Any old T@l0r dudl3y or k@t3 d1x0n
M0n1c@ st3ff3$ lhs/pitt?
>>12314 If it’s the same Kate I know, I’d love to see her too!
Anybody have Jessica Hurst?
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Jess hurst
Any Katie Maitland, I know she got around replay alot.along. or any girls from the 2014-2017 graduating class.
Lizz M@ples? H31ina M3k0nnen?
C@rolin3 Cu1b3rts0n?
anyone have @bby 3v@ns or n3lli3 h@ll or is@ab3ll3 h@milton
Crazy hot milf
Any for c0lb1 cr0mw3ll or k3lc33 r33s3 or h4nn4h fr13nd?
Anyone got Dyl@n (olem@n, makyala @tterbury, or maranda mackall?
$uzy or Tr1n1ty $011@rs?
Smol L1v win from insta awhile back
K@t13 B for yall, how many girls i gotta post for t@r@ or $011@rs sisters
anybody got h@yley sm!th
Who got $hyl@h - aka P1p3r. She worked at allstars for a while, pink or red hair usually???
Bump for some KU
>>12482 Anybody got more t0ri
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Any m0ri@h l3sli3?
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Some of Paige from KU snap Lfkfunforsure
Does anybody have any of Holly?
Bump for more t0ri payn3
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Lookin for m0n1c@ S. Was on LHS dance or cheer and then did the same at Pitt State
looking for @nge1ic@ M.
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>>13693 Dam she got a pretty face. More!
Anyone have Kenzie c?
Lexi S petite ku student
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lil more sexy petite
Anyone got old pics or vids from Miss Phoggy Dog?
bump for Angelica Mabitazan
any one have any of her stuff? she has a of think it's lillyaustin
Anyone have here, they were on here before.
>>14030 used to sell on snap r m0rr0w
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She had an OF a while back did anyone save them greeneyesgal
Anyone have taigen tilton
Any on Mady Boydstun I know she had a OF Luxx.lexi
More T0ri Payn3?
>>14145 Yoo what you got
