/ci/ - Creepshots/Candid

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Anonymous 09/28/2022 (Wed) 14:34:17 No. 1648
Let me know if ya wanna see more
Nope - that's already too much.
>>1648 Why post this here? Neither Creepshot or candid.
Let's see more. We'll allow it to count as "creepshot"
I should have explained. I Scamed these off my old neighbors cloud. She didn't have a password and I was able to take some photos before she moved.
>>1653 Tutorial?
>>1653 Looks like you took a pic of your monitor. And you need better looking neighbors.
Let's see some more, since you sound so proud
I would argue that taking someone's photos from their private cloud regardless of their quality of camera without their consent to post is creepy.but seeing as literally your biggest post on this thread is people OC of them taking photos of the girls that are most liekly their ex is WAY less creepshot or candid then this- fact now since you all wanna Bite the hand that fed you you can suck my nuts. This is why nobody shares the real goods. šŸ˜‰
Iā€™d love to see more if you got any. How old is she?
For sure would like more
Any more of her?
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Bump. Her street is 29.
Cute. You take them off her phone?
Yum. You have any more she's cute
Even better! I took them from her cloud. She just has bad camera quality. Find her socials and ask for content. She used to sell but I'm guessing not much now.
Where she from?
Got anymore? She's a cutie
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