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Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 22:27:44 No. 65649
Stfx again post bg eg eg
>>65649 It will take some posts from the thread creator to have this take off. Lots has been shared around by now. IMO it's always worth appreciating how gorgeous these sisters are and this thread could just be them instead of STFX.
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>>65776 That it?
(1.44 MB 1280x736 1693164485661347.png)
There's real perfection in her
I'm doubtful but hopeful that 3lys3 and Br00klyn will get posted
Where's the enthusiasm?
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we need a full bunkr dropped
Keep it going!
post. bg.
>>66144 What link is this?
(35.48 KB 480x640 5d364611d2a77.jpg)
BG would be an epic win if it existed. Such a perfect figure
>>66177 Last thread claimed this was her...
It is, cross checked Ig. Do it yourself… amazing really
Ju1y 2O 20I4….neckl@c3…. See for urself
A couple EG videos made the last thread as well. There's got to be lots of those no?
>>65649 >>66180 Confirmed, same necklace in old pics
>>66180 Those are some juicy jumbos!
Ok now post tits with face
>>66227 BUMP!
What about 3lyse?
(55.63 KB 480x480 5e8e26e6ef04c.jpg)
>>66268 She's so gorgeous too!
all the EG pics and vids finally being posted would be extraordinary!!!
Anyone got H@ley c@meron?? Or anymore stfx rockets?
There are a lot of claims about how many wins are out there...
Why are posts being deleted? Just curious
>>66613 What got deleted?
Nothing else getting added here?
>>66624 Usually requests for some names
>>66794 EG/EG/BG all day long!
Any from MG? Soccer player a few years back
>>66812 I was hopeful for this thread
Larger version
Previous post
Bump for BG, EG already leaked. It's time for BG
>>67192 Bump for Elys3 and Br00k1yn if anything exists anymore?
>>67192 There is still a LOT of EG to be posted.
Does EG have any sex vids?
>>67280 Lots of solo fingering vids but I've never seen outright sex vids.
>>67324 Where did the new image go? :(
>>67346 Who was it? Full name used?
>>67377 EG just "EG"
>>67388 Repost it
bump post b gaunts. The reason this site is dying is because everyone hoardfags. What do you expect to get that you don't already have for the set? Just share the wealth
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Oldies but goodies
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>>67501 Spot the fake
>>67503 Both are fake in that the second has text added. Someone must have uploaded it to their snap and added the text. I have the original and it has no caption. But it's a fun addition.
Anyone adding anything?
I think it's time to declare any BG or Elys3 wins too be extinct
yup. thirst is real, if they existed they'd be shared
If someone put something worth a damn on here they’d show up eventually
Anyone got @v@ m@rk$??
Even old and recycled EG is worth posting in my opinion
Any more gauntzz?
(295.60 KB 1170x1448 IMG_8589.png)
If we can't get EG/BG/EG, how about D@anie1a's massive tits exposed?
>>68464 last name?
>>68467 Sch1esig3r
(354.68 KB 480x960 Screenshot_20240808-082920.png)
>>68464 Epic!
>>68470 Name?
>>68470 Who's sister? Sure isn't a G@untsm1th sister
>>68571 Forever Bump for the G@untsm1th sisters
Just found some great EG photos/vids on motherless...
>>68613put them here
>>68614 Now you find Ely$e
>>68615 And you’ll do what
>>68616 GD2EC63B
>>68623 These are all from the original set
>>68625 From my experience with her some of this was fresh. There's a lot that doesn't seem to have made it to the forums etc yet. Just happy to share here.
>>68630 Hopefully some new people will contribute stuff that isn’t recycled
>>68631 I suspect there are unique videos/photos that if posted could reveal identity.
>>68632 Of the poster or individual in it?
>>68643 Of the one posting, EG is obviously identifiable in her videos
>>68616 No Ely$e huh?
>>68659 As if they’re just getting posted here for nothing
>>68720 What value are they really to you?
>>68799 what group?
>>68807 The one with no activity
>>68819 the shitty stfx one lol?
anyone have em after her boob job?
>>68830 Who?
>>68827 That’s the one lol
Momless /GD2EC63B/50B0FC4 Nothing more from her?
If other stuff got posted??
>>69025 I KNOW more exists
(535.60 KB 1536x2049 zb.jpg)
anyone have zoe b?
>>69238 Oh nice!
>>69149 It's right there, the uploader of that video has 7 other videos if you look at their other uploads
>>69389 I KNOW there's more in addition to what's uploaded
>>69416 Do you have?
>>69238 More?
>>69427 I've not seen any other posts anywhere on the internet with the same content so I will not be risking identification by her if they get posted here.
>>69436 dump it and tell her your phone got broken into. use bunkr or gf to dump if you're really worried.
>>69436 If this got dumped the thread could really take off
>>69445 This, definitely worth some good shitin return if it gets posted
>>69448 Anon go on CP to see some
>>69449 What room?
>>69452 Stfx
>>69238 >>69453 you around right now? my bad about yesterday
Be around tonight
>>69514 Sounds good, same
Why not just post here?
>>69514 You around?
Try again tonight?
>>69572 Ye, let me know when you're on!
This ain’t the missed connections board you fuckin morons
>>69580 dope make a room?
just post here, maybe the thread will get rolling again if somebody starts dropping something
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>>69416 There's got to be more!
>>69953 Is there anyone else out there beside EG?
>>69955 Who else do you need?
>>69956 Anyone. Who do you got?
>>69956 Honestly EG rules them all!
>>69959 Drop who you got and let the people decide!
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(1.91 MB 3228x4609 IMG_8681.jpeg)
>>70186 Holy shit is that 3ly$e?
>>70186 more??
Theres the big fish. Who else is gunna go next
>>70186 Well done Shame about the focus
Who's going next grail posted, what more are you all waiting for?
>>70186 I wonder if 3lys3 has as extensive a collection as l'il sis?
Let's see some G-$mith love out there!
Who’s gonna post gaunt’s mom next?
>>70420 Oldie but a goodie!
Now somebody post br00k lets get all 3 in here
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(2.44 MB B69E194-720p.mp4)
>>69238 Should post zb now that ely$e got posted
>>70500 Open to anyone. Appreciate all
We’ll take anyone. Appreciate all
>>70492 This is up a notch nicely done! There's still more to go...
Keep others going and EG will keep appearing
>>70492 Is the photo Em or El?
>>70641 Think it’s Em
Just post. If more people dropped like with el this thread would take off.
>>70670 This
