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Anonymous 09/03/2024 (Tue) 02:45:51 No. 37260
Looking for Brooke meadows, Natasha debrot,Megan stoker,Demic Have heaps to swap for them
>>37260 Who you got? Up for swaps
Who you got
What this for it isn't going to anything
You got t31egram
Got t@m1k@ p0rt3r
Who u got? I have bry1i3 5m1th,Jh@11,k@r1yw@135,and heaps more
Who has t@m1k@ p0r73r I have girls from blue mountains out west
(576.54 KB 947x1918 599A395.jpg)
(270.37 KB 480x960 Screenshot_20240924-003358.png)
(346.70 KB 480x960 Screenshot_20241020-154801.png)
She is from Parkes Orange Bathurst areas. ¢h@ñ73£
So you don't have any of t@m1k@ p0r73r
(155.56 KB 848x1131 IMG_20241101_214652.jpg)
7@m p0r73r
You go7t? M@Dd1$ôñ or Emily?
Why do have all the girls in the area get? You are the one collecting them, you're also posting them. I want to know why also
How do I do the fa. Key acc with no pics?
That pic is in different thread 😊2
>>39175why you on every thread asking for just her thats all I'm asking 😂
Go to Coffs Harbour, you can find the answer there
Vids on mudder lez. And I don't give a shit brah 👍🤔🖕
She sent you heaps over the last year hasn't she, you get to root her on her birthday did you? You can turn a house wife into a whore but you can't turn a whore into a house wife
>>39198 Yeah bro seems about right and yeah I did gave her the best birthday root of her life even recorded it wanna see a bit of it? DW I only wanted a whore not a house wife what were you dating her at the time 😂
Haha yeah, not the only one who she sent things to. Yeah, I don't believe you with birthday video lol. Haha fuck no! Thought you was dating her
Pr151ine t@hm00r wins… or atleast names..?
>>39410 Well I'm not showing you the vid idc if you believe me or not tbh
Typical faggot. You gave her the hepC too probably didn't you
