
Type: Report closures *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ygwbt

Time: 01/26/2024 (Fri) 07:28:27

User unicorn closed a global report for thread 50409 on board /ygwbt/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ygwbt

Time: 01/26/2024 (Fri) 07:28:27

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 50409 and the following posts: 50409/50411, 50409/50433, 50409/50498, 50409/50515, 50409/50521, 50409/50526, 50409/50556, 50409/50570, 50409/50580, 50409/50582, 50409/50588, 50409/50597, 50409/50620, 50409/50621, 50409/50668, 50409/50710, 50409/50785, 50409/50881, 50409/50919, 50409/50955, 50409/51100, 50409/51110, 50409/51112, 50409/51115, 50409/51145, 50409/51146, 50409/51158, 50409/51229, 50409/51287, 50409/51323, 50409/51332, 50409/51378, 50409/51404, 50409/51427, 50409/51443, 50409/51536, 50409/51619, 50409/51683, 50409/51739, 50409/51786, 50409/51890, 50409/52104, 50409/52127, 50409/52192, 50409/52300, 50409/52413, 50409/52414, 50409/52415, 50409/52475, 50409/52571, 50409/52617, 50409/52674, 50409/52679, 50409/52687, 50409/53018, 50409/53102, 50409/53352, 50409/53415, 50409/53416, 50409/53417, 50409/53418, 50409/53517, 50409/53526 from board /ygwbt/.