
Type: Report closures *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ri

Time: 03/17/2024 (Sun) 15:34:57

User unicorn closed a global report for thread 10470 on board /ri/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: ri

Time: 03/17/2024 (Sun) 15:34:57

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 10470 and the following posts: 10470/10472, 10470/10510, 10470/10512, 10470/10513, 10470/10514, 10470/10519, 10470/10521, 10470/10526, 10470/10527, 10470/10529, 10470/10528, 10470/10531, 10470/10532, 10470/10533, 10470/10534, 10470/10540, 10470/10544, 10470/10663, 10470/10665, 10470/10664, 10470/10669, 10470/10736, 10470/10767, 10470/10768, 10470/10830, 10470/10831, 10470/10832, 10470/10923, 10470/10948, 10470/10954, 10470/11019, 10470/11018, 10470/11017, 10470/11020, 10470/11026, 10470/11109, 10470/11113, 10470/11114, 10470/11120, 10470/11119, 10470/11121, 10470/11123, 10470/11124, 10470/11125, 10470/11134, 10470/11133, 10470/11147, 10470/11157, 10470/11175, 10470/11236, 10470/11286, 10470/11342, 10470/11345, 10470/11409, 10470/11958, 10470/11959, 10470/11960, 10470/11990, 10470/11991, 10470/11994, 10470/12145, 10470/12150 from board /ri/.