
Type: Report closures *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: cosp

Time: 01/17/2024 (Wed) 22:59:10

User unicorn closed a global report for thread 28 on board /cosp/.

Type: Posting deletion *Global*

User: unicorn

Board: cosp

Time: 01/17/2024 (Wed) 22:59:10

User unicorn deleted the following threads: 28 and the following posts: 28/29, 28/31, 28/45, 28/46, 28/48, 28/49, 28/50, 28/51, 28/52, 28/54, 28/70, 28/96, 28/98, 28/102, 28/155, 28/197, 28/260, 28/288, 28/341, 28/383, 28/416, 28/456, 28/459, 28/481, 28/511, 28/574, 28/590, 28/606, 28/609, 28/619, 28/624, 28/643, 28/651, 28/658, 28/780, 28/786, 28/835, 28/838, 28/841, 28/850, 28/851, 28/858, 28/859, 28/860, 28/861, 28/865, 28/869, 28/870, 28/871, 28/872, 28/876, 28/887, 28/885, 28/891, 28/935, 28/984, 28/998, 28/1001, 28/1110, 28/1111, 28/1116, 28/1117, 28/1165, 28/1179, 28/1351, 28/1394, 28/1395, 28/1397, 28/1399, 28/1424, 28/1431, 28/1433, 28/1434, 28/1436, 28/1443, 28/1447, 28/1454, 28/1455, 28/1456, 28/1457, 28/1459, 28/1461, 28/1462, 28/1463, 28/1464, 28/1465, 28/1466, 28/1467, 28/1471, 28/1472, 28/1474, 28/1495, 28/1502, 28/1503, 28/1511 from board /cosp/.